Sunday 10 February 2013

RTE PRO of the YEAR Award 2011 & 2012

Brid MacNamara, Clare Camogie PRO & member of Ruan Camogie Club has been awarded the prestigious RTE PRO of the Year 2012. This is a major achievement, and all the sweeter as Brid also claimed this title for 2011. Going for the three in a row now !! Well done , Brid. We are all hugely proud of you for the honour you have brought not only to yourself but also to the county. 

Photos below taken at Éire Óg Camogie & Ladies Football Fashion show in March 2012 when the club presented Brid with a small token of our appreciation.
The article after the photos is the piece which appeared in the 2012 GAA Yearbook.
Brid MacNamara,PRO of the Year 2011 with Mary McMahon(Éire Óg), Marie McDonnell (Clare Camogie)
and Michelle McMahon (Éire Óg) 

Marie McDonnell & Brid Mac

Brid Mac & Michelle McMahon

Brid MacNamara
RTE PRO of the Year 2011

“This is Brid MacNamara reporting for Clare FM sports”, a familiar line heard every week on our local radio station along with a weekly slot on Sideline View, Camogie corner in the Clare People, multiple reports and photos in the Clare Champion, regular  newsletters that reveal the human & social side of camogie , a Facebook page with brilliant photos ,an email sent to every club in the county and beyond every Friday morning,a new website,huge publicity surrounding the shinty weekend and the opening of Fr. McNamara Park, match results and fixtures on the radio on a daily basis, programmes at matches. We take it all for granted, it’s there , it’s something we wouldn’t miss unless it was gone .It’s difficult to believe that one solitary person could be responsible for all this, but she is.

 Fortunately, at the end of 2011, Clare Camogie Board decided that it shouldn’t be taken for granted and nominated this human dynamo for the prestigious “ RTE PRO of the Year Award”. And of course, she won it, hands down. No other result could even be contemplated. Never has an award been more merited. Brid has raised the profile of camogie to unprecedented levels in Clare with a presence in all channels of media bar television and it would not be beyond the realms of possibility to  see her sitting alongside Michael Lyster on the Sunday Game next year !  
Brid has achieved these heights with  the co-operation of the clubs and long may that co-operation continue. I am sure that every club in Clare will join me in thanking Brid for the huge amount of time and effort that she dedicates to her role as PRO. Her coverage has made our male counterparts and the general public sit up and take notice of the importance of camogie in the county. Support and attendance at camogie matches has surged over the last two years.
Brid, congratulations & well done. Enjoy your moment in the limelight !